sexta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - Here comes another Ability card, the elusive Surround.

Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.

Another antique, the Flight ability Surround can be a helping hand when trying to hinder foes attacks.

Ability cards represent moves, objects or even weapons that BS characteres can use in order to defeat their enemies. Flight ability cards usually show what some Marvel characters such as Scarlet Witch do best - flying!

Interested? Check out the original version of this card in the Magicjebb Battle Scenes catalog!

Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website

Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please SHARE!

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