terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - The menacing Rocket Launcher introduces a new type of BS card, the Ability. Check it out!

Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.

Now a classic from the third set of the game, Hidden Powers (Poderes Ocultos). Introducing another kind of Battle Scenes card, the Ability, here comes the menacing Rocket Launcher!

Ability cards represent moves, objects or even weapons that BS characteres can use in order to defeat their enemies. And most of the Ranged Attack ability cards depict guns and gunfire, with some or other arrow and spear as well.

Interested? How about looking for the original portuguese version of this card in the awesome YouDecks Battle Scenes website! A virtual checkpoint where you can manage your BS collection, create decks, check card prices, etc. Just log in with your Facebook account, type 'Lança-Míssil' at the 'Nome:' field, click 'Pesquisar' and see what happens!

Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website www.battlescenes.com.br

Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please share!

quinta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - Hulk SMASH!!! And nuff said...

Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.

How about Hulk?

Do I really need to explain what does Hulk do? Hulk smash and thrash and kick puny little men ass! Raaaaarrgh!

Interested? Check out the original version of this card in Battle Scenes official website!

Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website www.battlescenes.com.br

segunda-feira, 21 de agosto de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - Rampaging Titan V1, a Battle Scenes Scenario card in english...

Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.

How about a Scenario card this time?

Scenarios are the simplest cards in Marvel Battle Scenes, usually representing events and real life situations in the game. Rampaging Titan, as the name suggests, can make any giant go wild, making it a lot easier to put any high cost character card in scene.

Interested? Check out the original version of this card in my website!

Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website www.battlescenes.com.br

sábado, 19 de agosto de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes O site MagicJebb.com.br mudou! Veja as novas buscas de cards de BS, muito mais informativas e detalhadas.

A busca de cards de Battle Scenes no site MagicJebb está muito mais completa e apresenta novas funcionalidades. Por exemplo, agora você pode procurar coleções e ver os resultados em formato de texto simples, facilitando muito a vida de desenvolvedores e lojistas...

Visite o site www.magicjebb.com.br e confira esta e outras novidades.

sexta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - Starlord V2, a Battle Scenes card in english...

Just wondering how it would be if there were Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.

How about Starlord Peter Quill, leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy for starter? Check it out!

Hmmm... Even though there are some elements missing - this is just a draft - it seems ok to me. It would just be nice to see this great game in other languages.

Interested? Check out the original version of this cards in my website!

Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website www.battlescenes.com.br

sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2017

#Marvel #BattleScenes - Conheça o kit de inscrição para o Battle Royal 2017!

O maior evento de Marvel Battle Scenes vai acontecer em São Paulo, em 9 e 10 de setembro. E quem participar leva uma porção de novos itens exclusivos, além do playmat da dupla Thor/Odin abaixo. Confira mais clicando AQUI.

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