Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.
Time. Soul. Power. Mind. Reality. Space.
They are six. They represent the many aspects of the cosmic transcendence. And they have infinite power.
Confronto Aracnídeo (Arachnid Confrontation) - 12th set of Marvel Battle Scenes Trading Card Game, a creation of MagicJebb published in Brazil by Copag - hit the stores in this november, 30th, and it brings to BS another of these six menacing pieces of the cosmos. After Time, Soul and Power, the astonishing Mind Stone comes not only to grant its wielder the power to read foes' minds, but also to prevent these foes from thinking anything at all.
In Battle Scenes it means, plain and simple, that your opponent is not going to surprise you during most of the fights. No Surprise-Attacks. No Surprise-Anticipations. No Ant Men blocking your unexpected actions. No Madame Web messing up with your searches of cards. Just think about it and imagine the peace of 'mind'...
Interested? Check out the original version of this card in the Magicjebb Battle Scenes catalog! And don't forget to grab your packs and look for this beauty tomorrow at the stores!
Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website
Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please SHARE!
quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2017
sábado, 25 de novembro de 2017
#Marvel #BattleScenes #Novo_em_BattleScenes? Conheça os cards de cenário e habilidade no terceiro tutorial de BS do canal PlayPro!
Veja como funcionam os cards de cenário e habilidade em Battle Scenes neste ótimo tutorial no canal PlayPro! no YouTube.
quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2017
#Marvel #BattleScenes - Preparado para a chegada de Confronto Aracnídeo? Que tal um playmat espetacular em um Battle Tourney oficial pra começar.
O Battle Tourney – Torneio de Lançamento Confronto Aracnídeo acontece de 30 de novembro a 17 de dezembro. Confira com seu lojista ou organizador quando esse torneio vai acontecer em sua região e participe!
Se você é um organizador e tem interesse em promover este e outros eventos oficiais de Battle Scenes, não esqueça de se cadastrar no Battle System.
segunda-feira, 20 de novembro de 2017
quinta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2017
#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - In the wrong place at the wrong time, even in Battle Scenes... meet Mary Jane, Spiderman's sweetheart
Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.
She's stunning as well as reckless, and unlucky as a comics superhero's protegee could be. You probably know who we're talking about but... here she comes, Mary Jane Watson.
MJ version for Battle Scenes upcoming set Confronto Aracnídeo (Arachnid Confrontation) - hiting brazilian stores November 30th - reflects much of everything we got used to see of her character in comics. Although she doesn't have any superpowers, she's smart and nosy and can dig stuff (cards) unless properly "silenced". Problem is, Spiderman and his mates will get very pissed off - again! - if something happens to her. Go save her, tiger!
Interested? Check out the original versions of this card in the Magicjebb Battle Scenes catalog!
Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website
Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please SHARE!
She's stunning as well as reckless, and unlucky as a comics superhero's protegee could be. You probably know who we're talking about but... here she comes, Mary Jane Watson.
MJ version for Battle Scenes upcoming set Confronto Aracnídeo (Arachnid Confrontation) - hiting brazilian stores November 30th - reflects much of everything we got used to see of her character in comics. Although she doesn't have any superpowers, she's smart and nosy and can dig stuff (cards) unless properly "silenced". Problem is, Spiderman and his mates will get very pissed off - again! - if something happens to her. Go save her, tiger!
Interested? Check out the original versions of this card in the Magicjebb Battle Scenes catalog!
Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website
Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please SHARE!
segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2017
#Marvel #BattleScenes #Novo_em_BattleScenes? Conheça os cards de suporte no segundo tutorial de BS do canal PlayPro!
Veja como funcionam os cards de suporte em Battle Scenes neste ótimo tutorial no canal PlayPro! no YouTube.
quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2017
#Marvel #BattleScenes #Novo_em_BattleScenes? Que tal começar vendo como os cards de personagens funcionam neste ótimo tutorial do canal PlayPro!
Aprenda como funcionam os cards de personagens de Battle Scenes neste ótimo tutorial no canal PlayPro! no YouTube.
quarta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2017
#Marvel #BattleScenes #BS_in_english - Need ideas (or cards) to make your superplan work better? How about Cleaning the Mess first?
Still imagining Marvel Battle Scenes cards in english.
Cleaning the Mess is the best thing you can do when things go... messy. Even your mother said that. So, why not?
Genius ability cards in Battle Scenes represent the power of intellect, the hunger for knowledge, the thirst of discovering new ideas, and all those mean grabbing new cards, A.S.A.P. preferrably. In the case of Cleaning the Mess, as the name suggests, you can reorganize your hand and resources a bit as well. Quite useful, isn't it?
Interested? Check out the original version of this card in Battle Scenes official website!
Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website
Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please SHARE!
Cleaning the Mess is the best thing you can do when things go... messy. Even your mother said that. So, why not?
Genius ability cards in Battle Scenes represent the power of intellect, the hunger for knowledge, the thirst of discovering new ideas, and all those mean grabbing new cards, A.S.A.P. preferrably. In the case of Cleaning the Mess, as the name suggests, you can reorganize your hand and resources a bit as well. Quite useful, isn't it?
Interested? Check out the original version of this card in Battle Scenes official website!
Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website
Do you really like the idea of seeing this great game published in English? So, please SHARE!
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