Once and again there is war... And Captain America versus Iron Man quarrel in Civil War saga was certainly the greatest conflict in the Marvel universe. There's little doubt about that even among fans.
To have war means to have prisons. And it was during Civil War that S.H.I.E.L.D. designed one of the most unbreakable jails in the whole Marvel history, that also became the most unbreakable of all jails in Battle Scenes history. It is Prison 42.
A character thrown into this vault will face all sort of problems to break free from it. There, he will be chained in a way it will be impossible for him to use any actions or texts effects, including from cards he's carrying. It's a nasty thing to see that the only way out is to perform a painful and lingering Internal Sabotage - mainly if you're not lucky enough to be rescued from there by some scenario... or by some raging Hulk. Oh, you can also be a lucky Iron Man friend to get your habeas corpus and never worry about this cage again!
Interested? Check out the original version of this card in the Magicjebb Battle Scenes catalog!
Want to know more about Battle Scenes, a collectible card game presenting Marvel characters, developed by MagicJebb and Copag in Brazil? Take a look at our official website www.battlescenes.com.br
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